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Display Visions

DISPLAYVISIONS markets a broad spectrum of top-quality industrial displays to customers in a number of industries ranging from process automation and machinery manufacturing to IT. A high level of vertical integration enables the company to keep a large portion of the value-add chain in house. Because DISPLAY VISIONS offers all the familiar advantages of a mid tier company, it has the flexibility to accommodate the wide-ranging needs of its customers. The product portfolio extends from simple seven-segment instrumentation displays to sophisticated color touchpanel displays for use as HMI or in complex system controllers. The wide-ranging portfolio includes for example products designed for extremly low power consumtion as well as display modules for special markets and applications such as Cyrillic fonts.

image of >>EA 017-1UKE
:EA 017-1UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-4UKE
:EA 017-4UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-17UKE
:EA 017-17UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-13UKE
:EA 017-13UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 0FP322-32SW
:EA 0FP322-32SW
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-8UKE
:EA 017-8UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-6UKE
:EA 017-6UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 0FP801-70SW
:EA 0FP801-70SW
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-9UKE
:EA 017-9UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 0FP161-7SW
:EA 0FP161-7SW
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 0FP129-6SW
:EA 0FP129-6SW
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-12UKE
:EA 017-12UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-7UKE
:EA 017-7UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 0FP130-6SW
:EA 0FP130-6SW
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 0FP241-7SW
:EA 0FP241-7SW
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 0FP641-57SW
:EA 0FP641-57SW
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-25KE
:EA 017-25KE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 0FP321-8SW
:EA 0FP321-8SW
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-2UKE
:EA 017-2UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-14UKE
:EA 017-14UKE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 0FP481-43SW
:EA 0FP481-43SW
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA 017-27KE
:EA 017-27KE
:Display Bezels, Lenses
image of >>EA LED68X51-G
:EA LED68X51-G
image of >>EA LED94X67-W
:EA LED94X67-W
image of >>EA WF100-04S
:EA WF100-04S

